Thursday, September 18, 2008

Life Changes and Challenges

It's been months since I have written on this blog. To be honest, I'm amazed it hasn't been deleted. So, in an effort to regain some momentum and drive, I am blogging again. There is a new theme though, not so much directed at Toledo Politics, not so much about any single subject. Now I will use this forum to take on many of life's challenges as there are many more than just the hacks of Toledo Politics. Life is full of turmoil for many of us here in the Glass City as well as the area and the world. So now, I will cover things like poverty, abuse, love, children, parents, family and friends.

I will delve into subjects like how working people cannot make ends meet and what they do to survive. I will talk about various aspects of my personal life challenges and of course, go after what I see as wrong in terms of Toledo Government and the world at large.

I will talk about the homeless, the hopeless, the inspired and the driven. I will work through many things in this blog as a means of getting other's opinions to see where we have things in common and where we differ.

Some of my ramblings will be of conversations that I've had throughout the day and how they have enlightened me or how they have brought questions to mind. I hope this will be an engaged forum where everyone feels free to express themselves and will take the time to help me understand how the world works and why I don't get it.

The journey starts now....................



Hooda Thunkit (Dave Zawodny) said...


Glad you're back.

Now maybe there will be more than the usual Political BS to read about.

The Presidential/Vice-Presidential sniping is getting very old very fast and the Loco's are just as loco aas when you last posted...


Chad Quigley said...

Hi there hooda:-) I've missed you.

I'm back to doing some of the things I've enjoyed greatly, one of which is blogging. I'll do my best to keep it engaging and I hope and trust that you will continue to pass along your very sage advice and information.

I must agree, the local politico's are no better than a year ago and the National scene is just crazy too.

I'm catching up on my local politics so as soon as I am, I'll be after the funny farm on what they've been up to.