Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sloppy Police Work!! How does this man evade capture?

KARL JEFFERY JOHNSON has been a problem in my life for just over a year now. In August of 07, he assaulted my wife outside our home and left her with both physical and emotional scars that to this day present challenges to both our lives. His assault has changed our lives and even though she recovered from the physical assault, the emotional damage will remain with her for a lifetime. You never fully recover from your personal safety being violated. Sure, you take self defense classes, learn to use a gun and find ways to feel safe, but you never really are. Once that ground is breeched, you always look over your shoulder and carry a certain amount of fear that was never there before.

These links show the time frame of his assault, his capture and his trial and conviction last fall:

Bringing up to speed in July of this year is my post to that thread:

"July 16th, 2008 at 7:37 am
UPDATE: 7/16/2008

After the trial and conviction and subsequent incarceration of Johnson for the assault on Karen last August, I felt a slight relief as Karl Johnson would be in prison for at least a year. Also armed with a protection order that fully covers both Karen and I for 5 years to keep Johnson at bay until 2012, I felt a small amount of security, at least from this jerk.

The “System” is that once you have a protection order, when the convict is about to be released from incarceration, Karen and I were both to be notified in advance.

Yesterday, the reality that it was all a huge waste of time came crashing down. As is typical of Toledo and Lucas County, the “System” is a total failure and the inept wizards of our legal system are nothing short of complete idiots!

Karl Johnson was released from Stryker within the last 2-4 days(early release), and we were never notified. Karen was told by a neighborhood friend that he had be spotted in the area on Monday, she told me yesterday at 3pm that someone said he was out, and when I arrived at 5pm at the home we own, he was standing with his backpack just outside the fenced back yard staring at Karen and a neighbor that were in the pool.

Now, If I were a career criminal/drug addict/alcoholic, upon being released I’d want 2-3 things. My drugs, my girlfriend(who lives across the street from my home) and Revenge. Karl Johnson is a scourge on society. A man that has been in trouble with the law since he was a young teenager(he 50something now) and a very dangerous person in general. Clearly, the only thing his latested stay at Stryker has done for him is to help him bulk up in weight and gave him time to stew on what he would do when back on the streets.

When I arrived and saw him, I called 911, reported that he was there and chased him off. When the police arrived some 15 minutes later, they took a report, called it in and issued a warrant for his arrest. I am unaware at this time if he is in custody again or not, but it’s not likely. The TPD that responded were not in their usual territory and are not familiar with who he is. The Officers that responded stated that TPD was short staffed and that Officers are being sent into uncommon areas to cover shifts. The staffing problem with TPD is only 1 of the many problems here and secondary to the main issue.

The failures are that Johnson was released early even though he is a known repeat offender.

Johnson was released and NOBODY informed the Victim in spite of an order to do so.

Johnson was released and there were zero precautions taken to inform and take measures to secure Karen’s safety, and protect our home from possible revenge. I shudder to think what he may have done had I not showed up when I did and Karen was basically defenseless as it was her, and a minor in the pool, nobody else outside to see or hear what may have happened. Knowing Johnson the way I do, had I arrived a few minutes later I may have found her there dead.

The Prison system, The Court system, The Police system are are hugely flawed and from my point of view, nobody in Toledo/Lucas County is safe.

If you happen to be a resident of the Old West End, Beware! Karl Johnson is presumed to be on the lose and is to be considered dangerous.

I will be contacting the Agencies involved today and will be expressing my anger about all of this. Of course, it never seems to matter. I don’t think they will care or do anything and it will likely take deaths to get any hindsight work done in this case"

And this from the following day:

"# 31 Chad Quigley Says:
July 16th, 2008 at 10:15 am
OMG! So I talk to the various morons within the vast and screwy system and this is the conclusion: Opps, sorry, our bad. Please understand sir, with the over crowding, the lack of communication skill and the need to keep Officers busier than needed, this has yet again slipped through the cracks. It was everyone’s and nobody’s responsibility to inform you becasue we cannot line anything up prior to a murder.

That’s my summary of the various conversations, but the quote of the day comes from Toledo Municipal Court:

“I’m sorry Mr. Quigley, I don’t know what to tell you other than to say call the Police if you see him again. BTW, he’s also no longer on probation.”

Then this gem, “I see there is a new warrant for him.”

Duh!!! From last night!"

And now to bring in the most current events.

In fact his is on probation in terms of checking in and dropping urine to drug screen to which he has failed to show up for even a single check in since release.

He has violated the Restraining Order every single day since his release from prison by arriving at the home next to mine in the late hours of the evening or simply walking by as if a taunting and "see me, look, nothing you can do to stop me".

After nearly 2 months of keeping my eye on the situation and through conversations with local neighborhood people and by personal observance, Johnson has evaded capture and confinement by using his brother's Social Security Number and name to fool the apparently gullible and sloppy Toledo Police Department.

By several accounts and Johnson's own admission, he has been picked up by the TPD on several occasions in the last 2 months and released after he claims to have no picture ID and gives them his bother, Percy's" SSN. The TPD runs Percy's SSN and let Karl go, time and time again! Johnson so brazen laughs and revels in the fact that he gets away with it over and over. He walks down the street cocky and loud bragging to everyone how slick he is these days.

So here are some questions I have:

WHY do the Officers not push for positive ID?

HOW can the TPD believe that Karl who is much smaller than Percy, be Percy? Additionally, Percy has had several strokes and is not physically able in the same manner that Karl is.

Will Johnson have to assault or harm yet another person or even re-assault my wife to get picked up?

How can this one single individual evade capture and confinement so many times?

Why are the Police not carrying a photo of Karl to assist with his capture? Karl and Percy do NOT look alike.

Karl Jeffery Johnson is back to hanging out in his favorite stomping ground, the parking lot at Franklin and Bancroft. This area is known to the locals as "Club 102", it's across from a bar called the Club 101. There is a shopping plaza there with and IGA, a Church's Chicken and a Liquor store along with other smaller shops. This is an obvious and easy place to catch someone. In fact, it is where he was caught just before the trial.

I have already tipped the Police that he is known to be at this location from 12 noon till about 8pm nearly every single day. You'd think that with the nature of Karl's offenses and his drug and violent tendencies the TPD would be working harder to capture him and re-confine him. Must not be a big enough fish to fry?

If anyone happens to see Johnson in that area, please contact the TPD and give his location.

Shame on the Toledo Police Department for being so easily fooled and so very sloppy!